Strength Training is the use of any form of resistance to assist in building strength, endurance, and size of skeletal muscles. Strength training is generally an inclusive term that describes all exercises devoted toward increasing physical strength. The most common types of Strength training are Weight training, Resistance training, and Isometric training.
- Weight Training uses the force of gravity (in the form of dumbbells, weighted plates, and weighted bars) to oppose the force generated by muscle contraction. Bodyweight training is also a common form of weight training, but instead of free weights the resistance is generated by the practitioner's own bodyweight.
- Resistance Training uses elastic or hydraulic tension to provide resistance against muscles contraction. The most common forms of Resistance training involve movements that push, squeeze, stretch, of bend the resistance.
- Isometric Training, also known as Isometrics, is a system of physical exercises in which muscles are forced to act against each other or against a fixed object. Isometrics are done in static positions, as opposed to most other types of exercises, which are done with dynamic movements.
Aerobic Exercise is physical exercise of relatively low intensity and long duration, which depends primarily on the aerobic energy system. Aerobic means "with oxygen", and refers to the use of oxygen in the body's metabolic or energy-generating process.
- Endurance Training is the deliberate act of exercising to increase stamina and endurance. Exercises for endurance tends to be aerobic in nature as opposed to anaerobic movements. Performing these exercises strengthens and elongates the muscles for preparation of extended periods of use.
- Flexibility Training refers to developing a wide range of movement in a joint or series of joints that is attainable in a momentary effort with the help of a partner or a piece of equipment. Common forms of flexibility training are stretching and yoga.
Calisthenic Training is a series of exercises used to develop strength, power and balance or a repeated rhythmical exercise that uses the weight of the body as resistance or the systematic exercises for attaining strength-gracefulness or the practice of calisthenic exercises.